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职称: 副教授

系别: 粮食工程系

办公电话: 0451-55190577

研究方向: 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程

电子邮箱: wt19952320@163.com


2013.9-2017.6 东北农业大学 食品质量与安全 学士;
2017.9-2020.6 东北农业大学 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 硕士;
2020.9-2023.6 东北农业大学 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 博士。
2023.9-至今 东北农业大学 b体育必一运动官网粮食工程系 副教授 硕士生导师。





(2)参与黑龙江省“百千万”工程重大科技专项 大豆生物制取油脂及蛋白制品关键技术集成与示范,可支配金额10万,2020-2023;
(1)Theoretical exploration and experimental regulation of the degradation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in hemp seed oil by density functional theory, Food Research International, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.1), 第一作者;
(2)Construction of hemp seed protein isolate-phosphatidylcholine stablized oleogel-in-water gel system and its effect on structural properties and oxidation stabilit, Food Chemistry, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.8), 第一作者;
(3)Interfacial adsorption properties, rheological properties and oxidation kinetics of oleogel-in-water emulsion stabilized by hemp seed protein, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=10.7), 第一作者;
(4)Study of soybean protein isolate-tannic acid non-covalent complexes by multi-spectroscopic analysis, molecular docking, and interfacial adsorption kinetics, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=10.7), 第一作者;
(5)Catalyst activation by cold plasma technology and its effect on isomerization of safflower seed oil, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2022, (SCI, 1区, IF=6.6), 第一作者;
(6)Effect of electrochemical treatment on the formation and characteristics of induced soybean milk gel, Journal of Food Engineering, 2022, (SCI, 1区, IF=5.5), 第一作者;
(7)Study on the stability of intermediates in the process of enzymatic hydrolysis of phosphatidic acid by phospholipase A1, LWT, 2021, (SCI, 1区, IF=6.0), 第一作者;
(8)Construction of an enzyme-Pickering emulsion catalytic system and its application in the interfacial catalytic reaction of rice bran oil deacidification, LWT, 2021, (SCI, 1区, IF=6.0), 第一作者;
(9)Effect of ultrasound on the preparation of soy protein isolate-maltodextrin embedded hemp seed oil microcapsules and the establishment of oxidation kinetics models, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.4), 第一作者;
(10)Effect of ultrasound on the properties of rice bran protein and its chlorogenic acid complex, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.4), 第一作者;
(11)Effect of high-intensity ultrasound on the physicochemical properties, microstructure, and stability of soy protein isolate-pectin emulsion, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.4), 第一作者;
(12)Supercritical electrocatalytic catalyst activation and its application in safflower seed oil isomerisation to prepare conjugated linoleic acid, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2021, (SCI, 3区, IF=3.3), 第一作者;
(13)Hemp seed protein and chlorogenic acid complex: Effect of ultrasound modification on its structure and functional properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.2), 共同一作;
(14)Effect of high-intensity ultrasonic treatment on the emulsion of hemp seed oil stabilized with hemp seed protein, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.4), 共同一作;
(15)Ultrasonic treatment of rice bran protein-tannic acid stabilized oil-in-water emulsions: Focus on microstructure, rheological properties and emulsion stability, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2023, (SCI, 1区, IF=8.4), 通讯作者;
(16)Comparison of reactive sites of different conjugated linoleic acid molecules by quantum chemical calculations, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, (SCI, 3区, IF=2.7), 通讯作者。
(1)实用新型 一种利用原位在线监测技术体系调控大豆分离蛋白品质的装置 第一发明人。







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