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职称: 教授

系别: 食品科学与工程

办公电话: 0451-55191793

研究方向: 蛋产品深加工

电子邮箱: yjchi@126.com


1988.08—1991.10 东北农学院助教
1991.11—1995.03东北农学院讲师,其间:1991.08—1995.09 实验室主任。
1995.04— 2000.8 东北农业大学副教授,其间:1995.09—2000.09 教研室主任,副系主任;1996年被遴选为硕士生导师。
2000.9—今  东北农业大学教授,博士生导师,博士点学科带头人;            其间:2000.09—2012.04 院长助理、副院长;2004年6月为博士生导师,农产品加工及贮藏工程博士点学科带头人


9. IFT(Institute of Food Technologists)协会会员
14.黑龙江省畜牧业协会 特聘专家




3.国家自然科学基金项目"冰蛋黄凝胶化形成和发展机制及因子解析”主持31972098 2020.1-2023.12
2018YFD040030 2018.7-2021.6
31470094 2015.1-2016.12
6.国家蛋鸡产业技术体系项目“蛋品加工与质量控制”主持 CARS-41-K25 2008.12-2025.12
7.国家“十二五”支撑计划子项目“功能肽产品稳态化技术研究”主持 2012BAD33B03-6 2012.1-
8.国家“十二五”子项目“高功能稳定型及应用体系相容性大豆蛋白产品生产关键技术集成示范” 主持
2012BAD34B04-1 2012.1-2015.12
9.国家农业科技成果转化资金项目“起泡性全蛋粉生产技术开发及中试”主持 2013GJB 2013.7-2015.8
10.2021年度省重点研发计划项目“专型液蛋制品加工关键技术研发及产业化”主持 GA21B008
11.黑龙江省高等学校科技成果研发培育项目“功能型蛋清粉生产技术中试及产业化示范”主持 TSTAU C201813 2018.5-2020.5
1.主编《蛋制品加工技术》(第二版)中国轻工业出版社, 2018.2
3.主编《新编畜产食品加工工艺学》 科学出版社2018.1
5.副主编《功能性食品》 中国农业出版社, 2017.12
6.副主编《蛋与蛋制品加工学》 中国农业出版社, 2017.12
9.参编《现代高效蛋鸡养殖实战方案》 金盾出版社, 2015.11
1. Saccharides alleviate the thermal instability behavior of liquid egg yolk: Influence on rheology property, emulsifying property and protein conformation. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023: 108853 (SCI收录)
2. Effects of Heating Treatment on Functional and Structural Properties of Liquid Whole Egg. Foods, 2023, 12(7), 1474
3. Thermal behaviour of egg yolk involved by lipoprotein instability. Journal of Food Engineering, 2023, 111370 (SCI收录)
4. Effects of rice vinegar treatment on the antioxidant activities and protein structures of whole egg liquid before and after gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry, 2023, 404, 134574 (SCI收录)
5. Shelf-life modeling for whole egg powder: Application of the general stability index and multivariate accelerated shelf-life test. Journal of Food Engineering, 2023, 340 (SCI收录)
6. Development and characterization of high internal phase pickering emulsions stabilized by heat-induced electrostatic complexes particles: Growth nucleation mechanism and interface architecture, Food Chemistry, 402, 134512 (SCI收录)
7. Glycosylation of egg white protein with maltodextrin in the dry state: Changes in structural and gel properties, Food Chemistry, 2023, 401, 134113 (SCI收录)
8. Effects of CaCl2 on salting kinetics, water migration, aggregation behavior and protein structure in rapidly salted separated egg yolks. Food Reaesrch International, 2023, 163, 112266 (SCI收录)
9. Molecular interactions in the dry heat-facilitated hydrothermal gel formation of egg white protein. Food research international. 2022.162,112058 (SCI收录)
10. Fabrication and digestive characteristics of high internal phase Pickering emulsions stabilized by ovalbumin-pectin complexes for improving the stability and bioaccessibility of curcumin, Food Chemistry, 2022, 389, 133005 (SCI收录)
11. Mechanistic insights into the improved properties of mayonnaise from the changes in protein structures of enzymatic modification-treated egg yolk. RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 27213-27224 (SCI收录)
12. Change in rapid salting kinetics and characteristics of hen egg yolks. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022, 329, 111090 (SCI收录)
13. Inhibiting effect of dry heat on the heat-induced aggregation of egg white protein, Food Chemistry, 2022, 387, 132850 (SCI收录)
14. Differences in protein composition and functional properties of egg whites from four chicken varieties. Food Bioscience, 2022, 46,101614 (SCI收录)
15. Forces involved in freeze-induced egg yolk gelation: Effects of various bond dissociation reagents on gel properties and protein structure changes. Food Chemistry, 2022, 371, 131190 (SCI收录)
16. A novel process to separate the eggshell membranes and eggshells via flash evaporation. Food Science and Technology, 2022, 42 (SCI收录)
17. Entrapment of curcumin in soy protein isolate using the pH-driven method: Nanoencapsulation and formation mechanism. LWT- Food Science and Technology,2022, 153, 112480 (SCI收录)
18. Effect of carvacrol on properties and release behavior of gelatin‐egg white protein/polyethylene bilayer film. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2021, 44(11), 13871 (SCI收录)
19. Direct separation and purification of alpha-lactalbumin from cow milk whey by aqueous two-phase flotation of thermo-sensitive polymer/phosphate,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101, 4173-4182 (SCI收录)
20. Changes in egg yolk gelation behaviour and mechanisms during freezing. LWT- Food Science and Technology,2021, 151, 112223 (SCI收录)
21. Effect of basil essential oil and beeswax incorporation on the physical, structural, and antibacterial properties of chitosan emulsion based coating for eggs preservation,LWT- Food Science and Technology,2021, 150, 112020 (SCI收录)
22. Influence of antigelation agents on frozen egg yolk gelation,Journal of Food Engineering,2021, 302, 110585 (SCI收录)
23. Effect of 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride (AAPH) induced oxidation on the physicochemical properties, invitro digestibility, and nutritional value of egg white protein,LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2021, 143, 111103 (SCI收录)
24. Preparation, characterization and application of SPI-based blend film with antioxidant activity. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2021, 27: 100614 (SCI收录)
25. Effect of dry heating on egg white powder influencing water mobility and intermolecular interactions on its gels. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2021, 101(2): 433-440 (SCI收录)
26. Characterization of egg white powder gel structure and its relationship with gel properties influenced by pretreatment with dry heat,Food Hydrocolloids,2021, 110: 106149 (SCI收录)
27. Changes in gelation, aggregation and intermolecular forces in frozen-thawed egg yolks during freezing,Food Hydrocolloids,2020,108,105947 (SCI收录)
28. Effect of dry heating on the aggregation behaviour and aggregate morphologies of ovalbumin. Food Chemistry,2019, 285: 296-304 (SCI收录)
29. Changes in the gel characteristics of two hen egg white powders modified by dry heating and the Maillard reaction during long-term storage¸ LWT- Food Science and Technology,2019,109: 123-129 (SCI收录)
30. Numerical simulation and experimental study on eggshell membrane separation device. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2019, 12(2): 173-183 (SCI收录)
31. Physicochemical properties, in vitro digestibility and antioxidant activity of dry-heated egg white protein. Food Chemistry. 2018, 246:18-25. (高被引, SCI收录)
32. Effects of degree of hydrolysis (DH) on the functional properties of egg yolk hydrolysate with Alcalase. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 2017, 54(3): 669-678.(SCI收录)
33. Effects of lipid peroxide on the structure and gel properties of ovalbumin. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 57: 124-130.(SCI收录)
34. In Vitro and in vivo assessment of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of fermented soybean milk by lactobacillus casei strains. Current Microbiology, 2016, 73(2):
35. Influence of glycation extent on the physicochemical and gelling properties of soybeanβ-conglycinin. European Food Research and Technology, 2015, 240(2): 399-411.(SCI收录)
36. Structural and functional properties of ovalbumin glycated by dry-heating in the presence of maltodextrin, International Journal of Food Properties, 2015, 18:1326-1333.(SCI收录)
37. Effect of ultrasound treatment on the wet heating Maillard reaction betweenβ-conglycinin and maltodextrin and on the emulsifying properties of conjugates. European Food Research and Technology. 2014, 238: 129-138.(SCI收录)
38. Effects of twin-screw extrusion on soluble dietary fiber and physicochemical properties of soybean residue. Food Chemistry, 2013, 138: 884-889.(SCI收录)
39. Molecular characteristics of egg white proteins-dextran conjugates. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11(1): 195-197.(SCI收录)
40. Relationship between gel hardness and protein structure of ovalbumin-dextran conjugates.Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11(2): 35-37.(SCI收录)
41. Optimization of the heating conditions in the production process of high gel strength egg white powder. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 662: 409-412.(SCI收录)
42. Comparisons on the functional properties and antioxidant activity of spray-dried and freeze-dried egg white protein hydrolysate. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5: 2342-2352.(SCI收录)
43. Purification and identification of antioxidant peptides from egg white protein hydrolysate.Amino Acids, 2012, 1(43): 457-466.(SCI收录)
44. Improvement of functional properties of ovalbumin phosphorylated by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate. European Food Research and Technology, 2012, 235: 981-987.(SCI
45. Antioxidant, ACE inhibitory activities and functional properties of egg white protein hydrolysate. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2012, 36: 383-394.(SCI收录)
46. Preparation of microwave-phosphorylated soy protein isolates through a Box–Behnken model optimization. CyTA-Journal of Food, 2012, 10(3): 210-215.(SCI收录)
47. Microwave-assisted phosphorylation of soybean protein isolates and their physicochemical properties. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2012, 30(2): 99-107.(SCI收录)
48. Improvement of egg albumen powder functional properties by the Maillard reaction in a dry state. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2012, 10(2): 186-189.(SCI收录)
49. Functional properties of spray-dried and freeze-dried egg white proteins glycated with dextran. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2012, 10(3&4): 173-177.(SCI收录)
50. Influence of degree of hydrolysis on functional properties, antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activities of egg white protein hydrolysate. Food Science and Biotechnology, Food Science and
Biotechnology, 2012, 21(1): 27-34.(SCI收录)
51. Preparation of oligopeptide mixture with a high fischer ratio from egg white proteins.applied mechanics and materials, 2012, 140: 406-410.(EI收录)
52. Improvement of foaming properties of whole egg powder through Maillard reaction. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 554: 1091-1094.(EI收录)
53. Modified soy protein isolate with improved gelling stability by glycosylation under the conditions of ocean shipping, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2011, 46:
54. Kinetics of hydrolysis of egg white protein by pepsin. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2010,28(5): 355-365.(SCI收录)
55. 蛋黄粉在加速贮藏过程中的脂质氧化及保质期预测. 食品科学, 2023 (EI收录)
56. 超声协同蒸汽处理对壳鸡蛋表面大肠杆菌的杀菌机理及动力学分析. 食品科学, 2023 (EI收录)
57. 气吸式蛋壳膜多级清选装置研究. 农业机械学报,2022,53(6):396-405(EI收录)
58. 不同处理方法对蛋清蛋白免疫原性及结构的影响,食品科学,2022,43(15):93-100 (EI收录)
59. 鸡蛋蛋壳表面典型菌株的分离鉴定及对全蛋液致腐能力的分析.食品科学,2021,42(04):153-160(EI收录)
60. 不同解冻方法对冰蛋黄功能特性、理化特性及蛋白质结构的影响食品科学,2021,42(11):8-16(EI收录)
61. 载镁鸡蛋壳的制备及其对水体中磷酸盐的吸附特性.精细化工,2021,38(10):2125-2131+2149(EI收录)
62. 低酯果胶协同NaCl对全蛋液凝胶性质的影响,食品科学: 2020,41(04):32-40(EI收录)
63. 蛋清液中大肠杆菌超声协同热处理杀菌动力学研究. 农业机械学报,2020,51(01):313-321(EI收录)
64. 蛋清源肠内营养粉的冲调特性及品质稳定性评价. 食品科学,2020, 41(13): 38-45(EI收录)
65. 超声协同次氯酸钠杀灭腐败菌效果与动力学研究,.农业机械学报,2020,51(07):372-381(EI收录)
66. 磁性载镧鸡蛋壳对水中磷的吸附性能,精细化工,2020,37(09):1918-1925(EI收录)
1. 一种易分散的高乳化性蛋黄粉及其制备方法 ZL201810809830.7 迟玉杰,王俊彤,赵英,迟媛(授权2022.05.03)
2. 一种长保质期蛋清液制备方法 ZL201910737798.0 迟玉杰,闫露露,迟媛,程缘(授权2022.04.15)
3. 一种基于超声协同微纳米气泡技术的鸡蛋清洗及消毒方法ZL201910762086.4迟玉杰,迟媛,弓敏,马艳秋,王瑞红,宋冰洁(授权日期2021.10.19)
4. 一种长保质期的高起泡性蛋清液的制备方法 ZL201810223896.8 迟玉杰,赵英,迟媛,程缘,李弓中(授权2021.09.03)
5. 一种改善冻藏期间冰蛋黄胶凝化现象的方法 ZL201810224112.3 迟玉杰,赵英,迟媛,王俊彤,闫峥蓉(授权2021.07.06)
6. 一种提高脱糖蛋清粉乳化性及乳化稳定性的制备工艺  ZL201510801483.X 迟玉杰,赵英,宋本尧,程缘(授权2019.07.26)
7. 一种提高脱糖蛋清粉乳化性及乳化稳定性的制备工艺ZL201510801483.X迟玉杰,赵英,宋本尧,程缘(授权2019.6.19)
8. 一种蛋清功能肽的制备方法ZL201510822432.5迟玉杰,鲍志杰,赵英,程缘.(授权2018.3.16)
9. 一种新型提高大豆分离蛋白凝胶稳定性的制备工艺ZL201510236715.1迟玉杰,鲍志杰,赵英(授权2018.1.23)
10. 一种含有生物活性物质的速溶蛋黄蛋白质粉及其制备方法ZL201410336257.4迟玉杰,赵英,迟媛,王晓莹(授权2017.6.20)
11. 黑木耳饮料及其制备方法ZL201410057074.9迟玉杰,赵英,沈青,张倩(授权2016.6.08)
12. 一种玉米格瓦斯发酵饮料及其制备工艺ZL201410057082.3迟玉杰,赵英,王晓莹,张倩 授权2016.6.08)
13. 一种分散型速溶全蛋粉及其制备方法ZL201410336211.2迟玉杰,赵英,迟媛,沈青(授权2016.4.27)
14. 一种蛋粉咀嚼片及其制备方法ZL201410068997.4迟玉杰,赵英,王欢,沈青,王晓莹,程缘,林丽(授权2016.2.27)
15. 一种延长液态蛋保质期的方法ZL201310007860.3迟玉杰,迟媛,赵英,胥伟,李玉娜(授权2015.6.10)
16. 一种高凝胶性及高凝胶稳定性全蛋粉的制备方法ZL201310064771.2迟玉杰,张华江,迟媛,赵英(授权2014.7.23)
17. 一种高速溶性、无苦腥味蛋清粉的制备方法ZL201310233917.1迟玉杰,赵英,孙临政(授权2014.7.09)
18. 一种豆渣可溶性膳食纤维的制备方法ZL201310007936.2迟玉杰,迟媛,赵英,胥伟,景言(授权2014.4.09)
19. 一种高乳化性全蛋粉的制备方法ZL201310005221.3迟玉杰,迟媛,赵英,胥伟,宋俊俊(授权2014.1.01)
20. 蛋清蛋白源辅助降血压肽的制备方法ZL 201010233103.4迟玉杰,王喜波,夏宁,张华江(授权2013.7.31)
21. 一种高起泡性蛋清粉及其制备方法ZL201110273609.2迟玉杰,迟媛,胥伟,赵英(授权2013.4.10已转让)
22. 一种高起泡性全蛋粉及其制备方法ZL201210126471.8迟玉杰,张华江,赵英(授权2013.4.03)
23. 一种高凝胶稳定性大豆分离蛋白的制备方法ZL201110320464.7迟玉杰,张华江,迟媛,赵英,胥伟(授权2013.1.30)
24. 一种高凝胶型蛋清粉的制备方法ZL 200910071225.5迟玉杰,张华江,孙波,王喜波,迟媛,于滨(授权2011.5.04已转让)
25. 产品收率大于60%的高F值蛋清寡肽的制备方法ZL200710071747.6迟玉杰,赵英,孙波,王喜波(授权2010.9.15 已转让)
26. 大豆高F值寡肽的制备技术ZL200710072523.7 迟玉杰,孙波,夏宁(授权2010.5.26)
27. 蛋清低聚肽及其制备方法ZL03111600.0迟玉杰,田波(授权2005.8.24已转让)
28. 超临界CO2连续萃取蛋黄油和蛋黄卵磷脂的方法ZL03132482.7 迟玉杰,郑明珠(授权2005.8.24已转让)
29. 一种酱状咸蛋黄的制备及其工艺ZL 201410512547.X孟繁武 迟玉杰 孟繁栋 宋本尧(授权2016.06.22已转让)
30. 一种蛋黄黄椒酱的制备及其工艺ZL 201410512550.1孟繁武 迟玉杰 孟繁栋 宋本尧(授权2017.10.27,已转让)
31. 一种鸡蛋蛋酪及其制备方法ZL 201410597896.6张华江,迟玉杰,吕雪鹏,李亮,魏春立,王胜男,石云娇,支雅雯,李昂 (授权2017.09.15)
32. 一种交联大豆蛋白禽蛋涂膜保鲜剂及其制备方法ZL 201510186633.0张华江,穆莹,吕雪鹏,迟玉杰,石云娇,李昂,魏春立,支雅雯,孙帅(授权2017.11.03)
33. 一种快速降解型大豆蛋白模拟塑料薄膜及其制备方法ZL 201610001034.1张华江,迟玉杰,魏春丽,吕雪鹏,李昂,邵华,吴永庆(授权2018.10.02)


1. 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖:鸡蛋深加工关键技术创新及产业化应用,第一,2021.12
2. 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖:大豆蛋白质结构解析与柔性化加工理论创新及应用,第四,2020.12
3. 黑龙江省技术发明二等奖:系列功能型蛋粉及生物活性物质制备关键技术,第一,2019.10
4. 黑龙江省自然科学三等奖:蛋清肽结构与抗氧化和降压活性关系的研究,第一,2015.8
5. 黑龙江省优秀科普作品奖:《蛋制品加工新技术》,独立编著,2018.6
6. 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖:禽蛋系列深加工产品综合开发技术,第一,2003.8
7. 黑龙江省科技进步三等奖:禽蛋深加工产品开发技术中试,第一,2008.7
8. 黑龙江省科技进步三等奖:高活性大豆异黄酮制备技术已经与开发,2010.9
9. 黑龙江省科技进步三等奖:自由基清除剂的选择及其对鸡MD的防治的应用研究,第二,1999.7
10. 黑龙江省重点科技成果推广奖:食品防腐剂脱水醋酸的推广,1992.11
11. 中国食品科学技术学会科技进步三等奖:蛋清低聚肽中试工艺的研究,第一,2008
12. 黑龙江省高校科技进步一等奖:鸡蛋深加工关键技术创新及产业化应用,第一,2020.12
13. 黑龙江省高校技术发明一等奖:系列功能型蛋粉及生物活性物质制备关键技术,第一,2017.2
14. 黑龙江省高校自然科学一等奖:蛋清肽结构与抗氧化和降压活性关系的研究,第一,2015.2
15. 黑龙江省高校技术进步一等奖:禽蛋深加工产品开发技术中试,第一,2008.1
16. 黑龙江省高校技术进步一等奖:禽蛋系列深加工产品综合开发技术,第一,2003.2
17. 黑龙江省高校技术进步三等奖:食品防腐剂Nisin制备及在食品保鲜中的应用,第一,2000.1
18. 黑龙江省“头雁团队”骨干成员,2019.7
19. 黑龙江省首届“龙江科技英才”称号,2018.2
20. 黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者,2005.6
21. 国家市场监督管理总局保健食品审评专家,2004-现在
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